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“In the past 24 years of coaching, Paul is one of the most talented and driven athletes I have ever worked with—and coached against. I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the dramatic change in his life, which is even more remarkable. In the game of life, Paul is a winner and a spiritual warrior!”
—Coach Ed Sharr
Founder and Director, Coach Sharr’s Hoops Academy
By the age of 18, Paul Rumore had accomplished much of what he thought he desired. He’d reached the top of his class athletically and academically, and his childhood dream of playing college basketball was before him. Yet, in the midst of his success, Paul decided to take his own life.
This is the unforgettable story of a young man who’s been through the depths of despair and is not afraid to be vulnerable. Paul shares his life so candidly that any reader will relate to his struggle as he brilliantly captures what every heart longs for—joy that lasts. Paul’s quest for satisfaction is one of near-tragedy and triumph. He writes from the heart about his darkest hours and his powerful story of redemption, providing answers for those who struggle mentally and for those who simply want more out of their lives.
Find real solutions from a man who’s come through the darkness of major depression and has experienced an extraordinary turnaround with endless joy in his Redeemer!
Difficulty is inevitable; joy through it all is possible.
Turn your pain into purpose.
The apostle Paul was one of the most joyful men of the first century. Yet the paradox of his life is that he suffered extensively—he was stoned nearly to death for preaching the good news of Jesus, he was beaten 5 times with 39 lashes, shipwrecked on numerous journeys, persecuted by his own people, persecuted by Gentiles, and the list goes on.
From a grimy jail cell that would make our modern prisons look like country clubs, Paul writes to believers in Philippi exhorting them to “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, Rejoice!”
Throughout this epistle, Paul’s spirit is soaring at a time when most of us would have obviously been depressed and grumbling. How is this kind of joy possible? Join Paul on this journey and LEARN…
How YOU can maintain genuine JOY in trying times like these.
How YOU can walk out the commandments found in the book of Philippians.
The context and HEART with which Paul wrote to the Philippians.
How YOU can sustain a similar kind of relationship that Paul had with Jesus!
Do you seldom use the words “enjoy” and “prayer” in the same sentence? Do your attempts to have a consistent prayer life often fade away like a new year’s resolution?
You’re not alone. And more importantly, Paul and Nicole Rumore have good news for you: prayer was designed by God to be enjoyable! In fact, Isaiah the prophet declared that a day would come when prayer is a consistent pleasure for God’s people.
The only kind of prayer that’s sustainable is prayer that’s enjoyable. Whether you’re a new believer, a pastor who wants to help your congregation enjoy their relationship with God consistently, or just need a boost in your prayer life, check out this short but sweet e-Book by Paul and Nicole.
OR go to the HOME page and get it FREE when you signup for our Newsletter!