What’s the point of this day, Passover?
A simple yet profound question.
We obviously commemorate the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. Astounding! But the blood of lambs applied to the doorposts all foreshadowed the spotless Lamb who would take on death on a piece of jagged wood—on Passover!
As we reflect on Jesus, who shed His blood for us this day, why did He go through with it? What drove Him, in His heart, to bear the most excruciating death imaginable and hang naked on a tree for crimes he never committed?
You might answer…
To pay for our sins.
To have relationship with us.
To give us eternal life.
Yes, yes, and yes. And many more answers would be correct.
But let’s zoom in on that last one—eternal life. It is a wonderful but perhaps overused phrase within Christendom. Is it mainly about taking us somewhere? Or is it about giving us something now?
Again the answer is, all of the above! And what He graciously gives us here and now is found in deeper examination of that simple phrase, eternal life.
It’s not just life. It’s LIFE! It’s wild! It’s wonderful! It’s the Greek word “zoe,” which means: “The absolute fulness of life, which belongs to God, life real and genuine, a life active and vigorous.”
God did not fill you with just enough of His life to make it to the end of your course. He gave you more than enough! He gave you too much for just yourself!
This is why Jesus said, “I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!” (John 10:10b, TPT). He IS the Tree of zoe life!! And He lives in all of you who have trusted in Him!
And Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life! “On the final and climactic day of the Feast, Jesus took his stand. He cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says.” (He said this in regard to the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were about to receive.” (John 7:37-38).
The river John saw in Revelation 22 is essentially that same river that he wrote about in the above passage. It flows from the very Throne of God Almighty, down from Heaven and into your belly!!!
Don’t put up with anything less than overflowing rivers of LIFE flowing through you and touching the world around you with resurrection power this weekend and beyond. Don’t put up with sin in your life, or disease in your body or those around you.
Meditate on the River that is already there, whether you feel it or not. Engage with these truths, and you’ll see the same Spirit that rose Christ from the dead flowing through you to bring eternal zoe to someone new in this season.
Adam and Eve were warned that the day they ate the bad fruit they would die. Did they die physically? Not immediately. What they lost was the life of God inside of them. Genesis 2:7, in the Greek translation of the OT, says that it was the zoe life of God that He personally breathed into their nostrils.
It was lost when they rebelled against the Lord. But it was put back inside of us through Christ, who died so we would regain His zoe, which starts now, and flows into the new heavens and earth forever!