He’s Always Better


You’re climbing Everest.

You’ve been training for years. Dreaming about it for decades.

A wealth of information has been devoured.

Now, after two months of climbing, the summit is within reach. With your remaining strength, you climb and pull and grunt until finally….You’ve arrived!

You made it! A childhood dream come true. The highest place in all the earth. You throw both arms up in victory. Nothing remains to be conquered.

Or so you thought.

Little did you know that the shock of your life awaited you. You look up in awe and stand in silence for a few moments before blurting out, “Hey!! Who put that there?!”

You’re gazing at something so gargantuan poking beyond the clouds that it can hardly be called a mountain. To say it quadruples the size of Everest would be an understatement.

Such is the knowledge of the Holy One. When we think we’ve scaled the heights and gained a firm grasp of His greatness, we’re deceived. There’s always more than we realize.

The One who has Genesis 1 on His resume, the Being that existed before time and when He spoke 100 billion galaxies came from nothing, is inexhaustible.

And while His holiness and righteousness know no end, so does His goodness. While we must not lay aside His severity, it’s also essential that His kindness remains constantly before our eyes (Rom. 11:22).

It’s His kindness that leads us to greater repentance. It’s His grace that teaches us to say “yes” to righteousness. And you have yet to meet a soul that has surpassed its reach.

In the year 800 Billion A.D. you will still be studying His Word and gazing on His beauty, saying, “I never realized He was this good!”

I write this today with a fresh reality of this truth because of a recent battle I had with covid-19.

Most of my experience with it was similar to the flu; I had three days with mild to moderate symptoms. But as a man who knows Christ paid for the defeat of this virus 2000 years ago (Mt. 8:17), I knew there had to be a solution beyond mega dosing vitamin C.

Don’t get me wrong, I believed God for healing from the beginning. But why was it not manifesting? A bit discouraged, I called a prophetic friend.

“Do you want to get rid of it?” he asked? (Sounds like a dumb question, but Jesus asked the same—John 5:6).

“Uh, yeah, that’d be good.”


And with one word of knowledge he nailed the susceptible door that I didn’t realize had crept open. Apparently I forgot to bolt it shut the last time I closed it.

“Thanks so much. I’ll work on that,” I answered with a smile.

I darted to my prayer closet and repented quickly. I started to feel some lightness as I confessed and turned from a certain sin. I then shouted with authority (Lk. 10:19), “Get out! Now every door is shut to you, covid-19! Get out of my body and all of these symptoms with you, in Jesus’ Name!”

A force that was palpable—with real weight and mass—lifted off of me and fled. I knew it had been found out and it made a cowardly, quick exit.

Within thirty minutes the fever broke, the fatigue started to dissipate, and my whole being felt free. Part of me thought, What? It can’t be that simple, Lord. Are you serious?

The results spoke a resounding, “Yep!” He is really that great.

If you find that too good to be true, that’s the whole point of me writing this! He’s always better than you think. You may have known Him for decades, but what’s that compared to the endless magnificence of His bliss filled goodness that will crash upon you in wave after wave like sea billows that crash upon the shore in the midst of a tsunami?

And it never ends!

We find this hard to believe because everything in this life has a terminus—not just through death but in goodness. Our favorite food, if eaten too often, eventually bores us. Our dream spouse eventually lets us down. And the list goes on.

But it’s just the opposite with our infinitely good God. The more we get to know Him and the more time we spend with Him, the more we realize how desirable and flawless He is!

This is not some abstract, religious definition of the word “good.” Not just “good for you” like cough medicine. Blah! But He’s genuinely awesome, enjoyable, exciting, and scrumptious! You’re made for pleasure in Him, which is a joy far beyond your wildest dreams.

And the more you seek Him, the more you’ll see that He’s always better than you thought.


Still in Love (Poem)


Afraid-of what?